Can runners really be Intuitive Eaters?


Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to fuel your training correctly without counting grams of carbs or calories?

I mean how are you supposed to improve race times and increase mileage without logging everything in MyFitnessPal?

Or maybe you’ve heard that Intuitive Eating is just “listening to your body.”

But if you “listened to your body,” well… you’d be downing an entire pizza and pint of ice cream on your rest days.

If either of those thoughts have popped into your head…

then this masterclass was made just for you!

Sure, Intuitive Eating might sound nice (no dieting, no tracking, more mental freedom and flexibility with food, etc.)... But is it really possible for runners to be Intuitive Eaters? You’ll find out during this class!

In this masterclass, we’ll cover: