3 Month Nutrition Coaching for Runners Program
This coaching program is designed to teach you how to fuel your body properly to reach your running goals without counting calories, macros, or other forms of dieting.
You might be thinking… “But, how is that even possible? How am I supposed to fuel properly without focusing on what I’m eating or dieting?”
The secret answer? Intuitive Eating. But not in the way you might have been led to believe on social media. Intuitive Eating is so much more than just “listening to your body” or “eating whatever you want.”
In this coaching program, you’re going to learn how to apply nutrition science (not diet culture!) to your fueling plan so that you can reach your running goals without feeling obsessed with calories, guilty for eating something “off-plan,” or bingeing at night or on rest days.
This coaching program is for you if you want to…
Improve race times and increase mileage while feeling energized.
Become an Intuitive Eater and stop binge eating.
Stop hitting a wall while training or on race days.
Stop having stomach issues that leave you planning your training around a bathroom break.
Confidently ditch the scale once and for all, and stop letting your mood be dictated by the number you see.
Feel confident that you know exactly what to eat before, during, and after training without obsessing over calories or macronutrients.
Optimize your recovery days to prevent muscle soreness and injuries.
Utilize carb loading and intra-run fuel to improve your long runs and prepare for the spring marathon season.
Enjoy social gatherings and dining out without guilt, fear, or shame.
Specifically, in this coaching program, you’ll learn how to:
"Ok this time I didn’t mess around with pre-run fuel and made SURE I was well fueled going into this run. HOLY COW it made a HUGE difference. I had so much great energy, my heart rate was steady the whole time. I didn’t feel like I was struggling or wanting to look at my watch to check the mileage because I was dying or hitting a wall. I had zero pain, no onset migraine symptoms. I felt GREAT. It was an awesome run, probably my best. And it’s truly because I’m finally overcoming my fear of EATING/FUELING before/during/after my runs."
“Just found an ice cream that was sitting in my fridge for over a month that I had totally forgotten about. I've always wondered how people could keep sweets in the house and not eat them immediately. It was a small moment, but reinforced the progress I've been making in my relationship with food and carbs, which felt really encouraging.”
“Hi Courtney! Hope you and your family of 5 have been well I ran the Berlin marathon yesterday (my first marathon)! Because of your course I successfully fueled, never hit the wall, and was 13 min off from BQ-ing I’m so excited to run my next marathon one day, and so grateful for your support/help. I feel like I’ve unlocked a whole new runner in me.”
What’s included in the 3-Month Nutrition Coaching Program:
Weekly coaching calls (Tuesdays at 12 PM EST) for accountability, support, and education. All calls are recorded so you can watch later!
13 pre-recorded modules that cover everything from athletes plates to improving body image
Customized race day fueling plan
Food log reviews for personalized recommendations
Running specific meal plan examples
Running specific grocery guides
Take a peak inside the modules:
This module is designed to set you up for success and teach you how to set goals in a way that prevents overwhelm - so you can actually make progress toward them!
You can’t improve your running mileage, decrease run times, or finally stop binge eating without addressing your mindset first. Think of this module as your little pep talk when you’re having a bad day, or it feels like your mind is tearing you down.
There’s a reason why we address body image early on in the course… it’s going to be very difficult to give yourself permission to fuel your training if you’re obsessing over the scale or “looking like a runner.” In this module, we will go over ways to improve your body image.
Do you have rules around the types of foods you’re “allowed to” eat? And when you eat anything on this list, you’re filled with regret, shame, or guilt? This module will teach you how to break these rules head-on, so you can finally have some peace and enjoy food again.
This module will teach you how Intuitive Eating can help you to reach your goals and honor your health. It’s not just “eating whatever you want, whenever.” It’s about learning how to make peace with food so you can stop binge eating and food obsession.
This module is a deep dive into what sports nutrition looks like day-to-day. You’ll leave this module with a solid understanding of carbs, protein, and fat, how much to eat of each macronutrient, and what to eat on easy, medium, and hard training days. Remember, good nutrition doesn’t have to feel complicated!
Have you ever wondered if you should avoid carbs or if training fasted is okay? In this module, we will talk about both, and how to properly fuel before a run, so you feel energized and minimize muscle breakdown. You’ll learn exactly what to eat, what to avoid eating to prevent frequent bathroom breaks, hydration, caffeine, and so much more.
This module focuses on how to fuel endurance events (i.e., long runs, half marathons, etc.). You’ll understand how to carb load properly and what to avoid to prevent an upset stomach on race day.
Let’s make the most of your recovery! This module will teach you what to eat after a run, the importance of timing, and how to determine which protein powder would be the best option for you.
Are you confused about how to fuel on rest days or during the off-season when you’re not running as much? This module will help you understand why you may feel hungrier on rest days, what foods to avoid on rest days, and how to optimize this period of the training cycle.
There’s nothing worse than signing up for a half marathon, training for it, and having to sit on the sidelines and watch all your friends race while you nurse an injury. This module will teach you the foundations of injury prevention so you can continue to reach your race goals.
This module will cover everything from building a training plan to the 4 types of runs. This module is perfect for someone who wants more structure in the training plan.
Do you find yourself bouncing between different diets? Are you worried that if you don’t stick to a diet, your eating will become out of control? In this module, we will talk about why diets don’t work and the dangers of yo-yo dieting.

Enroll now to reach your running goals in 2024!
The program is $673 (10% discount) if you pay in full or 3 monthly payments of $249 or 6 payments of 139.
Have questions? We’ve got answers!
They’re on Tuesdays at 12 PM Eastern Time. If you can’t attend, no problem! You can submit questions ahead of time to the call and I will still answer any questions you have. All calls are recorded and uploaded within 24 hours for you to watch at your convenience.
This program is designed for all levels of runners! If you run on purpose, you are a runner. Whether you run 1 mile a week or 26.2 - you’ll receive valuable information from this coaching program.
The program is $673 USD (10% discount) if you pay in full or 3 monthly payments of $249 or 6 payments of $139.