Beginner's Guide to Fueling and Training for a 5K & 10K Race

Ever wonder how other people make running look so effortless? How do they keep up with running without injuries or exhaustion?

Join me to learn how they do it (and how you can, too)!

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

You’ve been scrolling on TikTok or Instagram and are seeing post after post showcasing runners who are doing the things you want to be able to do.

They wake up on a Saturday morning and run 8 miles without stopping, wear cute Hokas with matching Lululemon outfits, appear healthy and energized… and you know that’s the life you want too.

You want to be known as “the runner” who completes multiple races a year, runs miles without stopping or feeling out of breath, and is fully immersed in the running community.

So, with all that pent-up excitement, you decide to sign up for your first 5K or 10K, download a training plan, and hit the pavement, only to be shocked when:

  • Five minutes of jogging feels like an eternity

  • You have aching shins and knees

  • Getting off the couch for a run requires sheer willpower

  • You feel exhausted after runs

  • You’re not sure when you need those fancy gels you see everyone eating

You’re constantly asking yourself, “When does this get easier?” Discouragement has set in, and you begin to question whether you can do this.

Stop right there! There’s a way to achieve your running goals - you just need the correct information and training plan!

Introducing my new masterclass: Beginner's Guide to Fueling and Training for a 5K & 10K Race!

This masterclass will equip you with the tools to:

Complete your first race and feel great!

Build consistency so that your body can adapt to this new form of exercise

Prevent injuries like shin splints, calf pain, and knee pain

Increase energy before, during, and after your runs by learning to fuel your body with the right types of food (I’ll tell you exactly what to eat!)

In this masterclass, you’ll get:

  • A training plan for both a 5K and 10K race to build the confidence that you’ll not only finish your race but finish it feeling great! (This will be more detailed than the typical online plan or through Couch to 5K!)

  • A fueling strategy so you know exactly what to eat before, during, and after your runs to increase energy and avoid injuries

Plus, we will cover mistakes beginners make and tips for your first race!

This masterclass will give you all the information you need to hit your first race milestone and continue getting closer to the vision of a runner you see for yourself.